Here’s a compilation of sample shinsa videos at various levels – with comments identifying which candidates passed. I may update this list as I come across more videos.
- 1st Dan
初段審査●合格/不合格●大阪/昇段審査会 (8:10mins. Candidates 135, 137, 139, 141, 144 and 145 passed as listed in youtube動画「初段審査●合格/不合格●大阪/昇段審査会 」合格者発表 )
2013上谷 剣道初段合格! (The one on the left passed.)
初段 合格!【シマいリス の 剣道】 段位審査に挑んだ日 (Starting at 2:07 of this 5:35 min clip. The female candidate #145 in a white gi passed)
- 2nd Dan
二段審査●合格/不合格●大阪/昇段審査会 ② 25~43才 (Candidates #79 & 80 passed.)
剣道二段 合格!! (The person on the left passed)
- 3rd Dan
剣道三段合格 2017年4月23日 (The one on the top right in the 1st match passed.)
剣道三段 昇段審査 (All three in the two matches passed.)
- 4th Dan
Kendo 4th Dan Shinsa (Pass) February 15th 2015 – Tokyo Budokan Japan. 剣道四段審査合格、平成27年2月15日東京武道館 (The initial person at the right passed)
40歳剣道4段 初挑戦 合格 (Both passed the 1st match. The person further back passed the 2nd match.)
剣道四段審査 2人とも合格 (Both passed)
- 5th Dan
剣道 昇段審査 五段合格 (Candidate #20 on the left passed. According to the comments, #19 failed and #11 in the 2nd match passed)
- KENDO examination for 5th-dan perfect!! (Both passed.)
- Shinsa of Candidate 508D (Dr. J. Vahl) who passed: 1st Match (4:15 to 4:52 min) (on the right), 2nd match (0:00 to 1:07 mins) (on the right).
2017.02.18. 5段審査合格。右から (The person initially on the right passed).
- Godan Test, New Jersey, Nov 13, 2016 (Candidates who passed are listed)
43年ぶり昇段審査 五段最年長(65歳)一発合格! (The taller person to the right at 65 years of age passed.)
- 6th Dan
- 2011.11.23 祝!一発合格!六段審査まん八っぁん (6th dan shinsa). (The title indicates a person passed but not which one. It must be the one on the right.)
H270830 六段昇段審査 405C 合格 (The one on the left passed.)
2017年11月19日 剣道六段審査合格(名古屋) 305B (The person on the right passed.)
20141125 剣道6段審査 実技1 403B右 合格 (The one on the right passed.)
平成29年11月六段審査 石川先生合格 (The title indicates a person passed. It must be the person on the left.)
kendo examination for 6th-dan perfect!! pert1 (Both passed).
- 剣道六段 一発合格 70歳 ‥1人目 (1st match), 剣道六段 一発合格 70歳‥ 2人目 (2nd match). The taller person on left at the age of 70 passed. He’s the same person in an earlier video above who passed 5th dan at the age of 65.)
- 分かりやすい「六段審査、一発合格の方法320C」の考察 (Starting from 2:19 mins, a red arrow points out the person who passed. The person also explains later in Japanese how he believes that he passed by learning and using a one (small) step seme 「一歩せめて」- also referred to as hikidasu「引き出す」).
- Collection of 6 dan shinsa matches by No Kendo, No Life:
【kendo】六段審査 合格者の立会い まとめ (4:39 min)
【kendo】六段審査 合格者の立会い まとめ② (8:27 min)
【kendo】六段審査 合格者の立会い まとめ③ (5:37 min)
- There’s many more in Japanese in the Video tab in No Kendo, No Life
【剣道】昇段審査の傾向と対策 六段の部 DVDデモ (5:44min demo of a larger DVD set. Only Candidate A out of the four candidates passed)
- 7th Dan
剣道七段審査一発合格 (The title indicates a person passed but not which one. It must be the one on the right.)
紺野剛七段合格101B(2017 11 27東京審査会 (Subtitles in the video indicate that both 101A and 101B passed. 101C in the 2nd match failed)
h23.08七段審査林合格.mpg (The person on the right passed).
剣道七段審査一発合格動画 (The person on the left in both matches passed).
剣道 21年5月16日 名古屋 7段審査合格 (The person on the left passed.)
- Kendo 7 Dan Examination in Tokyo on Nov 24, 2016. Age 53 (The candidate who passed is identified.)
- 剣道七段審査会(東京)・第一会場 (50:29 mins) The candidates who passed are: 103A, 104B, 105D, 106C, 107A, 107D, 108A, 108B, 109A, 109C.
- 8th Dan
宮城八段審査合格者2016 2 28 (Includes slow-motions. 101C on the right passed)
- 20151127 剣道八段2次審査 合格 (101A on the right passed the 2nd stage shinsa)
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