Here’s some sayings in kendo (also referred to as kotowaza 諺) that I have learned from sensei‘s and fellow kenshi over the years. Pointers to websites with additional sayings are included.
Some notes: Cited references, where present, provide more color to the quotes. This set will likely grow as I remember old ones or discover new ones. The translations may be imperfect. My approach to the translations, rather than being literal, is to convey the sense or intention of the original texts. Enjoy!
- (Kendo) starts with etiquette* and ends with etiquette.
- * bowing, greetings or gratitude
- 礼に始まり礼に終わる(reini hajimari, reini owaru) [Kendo-Guide_Rei].
- If you hit, reflect. If you are hit, be thankful.
- Don’t hit to win. Win, then hit.
- 「打って勝つな、勝って打て」 (utte katsuna, katte utsu)
- A fuller explanation can be found in a quote under “Morishima Tateo (Hanshi, 8 dan) at Kendo-related Quotes.”
- Gaze to the distant mountain.
- 遠山の目付け (enzan no metsuke)
- [KendoInfo_Enzan] [Kendo-Guide_Looking] [KendoNotes_OpenFocus].
- Sight first, legs second, guts third and power fourth.
- 一眼二足三胆四力 (ichi-gan ni-soku san-tan shi-riki) [Kendo-Guide_IchiGan] [KendoInfo_Enzan]
- The three “No’s” of the sword: No unreasonableness*, no wastefulness and no absence of principles**. – Haruo Momoi (19th century swordsman).
- * no over-doing things, ** no absence of rationality or justification.
- 三無の剣 「無理なく、無駄なく、無法なし。」(San mu no ken, muri naku, muda naku, muhou nashi.) [Weblio_三無の剣].
- The above shortened version is how it is often stated. The full version is:
- The three “No’s” of the sword: No unreasonableness, no wastefulness and no absence of principles. These are said to be the three “No’s” of the sword – the supreme (principles) of the sword. A sword without sound comes from this state of mind. – Haruo Momoi (19th century swordsman).
- 三無の剣 「無理なく、無駄なく、無法なし。これを三無の剣といい剣の至高なるものなり。音なしの剣はこの境地より出るものなり」 (桃井春蔵) [Weblio_三無の剣].
- (Do) keiko as if in shiai and shiai as if in keiko. [KendoInfo KeikoShiai]
- 「稽古は試合のように,試合は稽古のように」 [Hatena_ShiaiKeiko]
- 「稽古は試合のように,試合は稽古のように」 [Hatena_ShiaiKeiko]
- Make the first strike count. Also stated as Take the first strike.
- [Kendojidai_Iwao] [KendoInfo_Shodachi] [Kendo-Guide_Hikitategeiko]
「初太刀を大切にしろ」又は「初太刀を取ること」[Youshinkan_Shodachi] [Kendo_Jyoutatu]
Additional Sayings (from External Sites)
- A handful of additional famous sayings along with explanations at [Kendo-Guide_Teachings].
[Hatena_ShiaiKeiko] 稽古は試合のように,試合は稽古のように,, Jan 17, 2012.
[KendoInfo_Enzan] Geoff Salmon, “Enzan no metsuke,”, Oct 13, 2010.
[KendoInfo_Shodachi] Geoff Salmon, “All together now,”, Dec 28, 2015.
[Kendoinfo_utarete-kanshya] Geoff Salmon, “Utarete Kanshya,”, June 23, 2014.
[KendoJyoutatu] 勝つ為の技の仕掛け方, 剣道上達革命DVD 香田郡秀 コツ 練習.
[Youshinkan_Shodachi] kuma, “初太刀,” Canada Youshinkan Kendo Dojo, Mar 3, 2008.
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