Healing Kendo (癒しの剣道) by Nakamura Sensei – Part 7 and Postscript

This is an English translation of Part 7 and Postscript of a seven-part article by Nakamura Sensei, 7th Dan.  The link to the original article in Japanese is: http://www.geocities.jp/gazo_asidachi/kumagro_niki/iyashino_kendo/iyashi_01.htm.  Posted with permission and translated by KendoNotes.

Well then, this time, I explain how to strike nuki-do.  This time, the explanation of this waza will serve as the end.  Although there are others, I have come to write at length on those waza which I think are good.  On to nuki-do.  This is similar to kaeshi-do, as the do is cut with (the timing of) the left leg.  As explained many times, seme in and offer the men (hikidasu).  First, starting from the right leg, with “guuuuuh-toh” (sound effect), seme in.  The hands are in the same position as when in kamae.  At this point, the opponent enters into range (ma-ai) to strike my men.  Following the right leg, the left leg advances forward towards the right and, at the same time, the do is drawn out (nukeru).  Starting with the right foot and as if flowing along with the left leg, cut the do while pulling out (nukeru) with ayumi-ashi,  With “sururi” (sound effect), one can slip out (nukeru).  As before, when cutting the do, at the instant one’s shinai takes the opponent’s do, one can briefly see (the do).  Of course, because the left hip enters, one cannot even fall or pitch forward.

This do-uchi feels good.  Please master it.

With the above, this ends the explanations.

Next, a summary up to this point.  What can be said with regards to everything is that when attacking with seme-komu, the right leg slides forward and the hands are never raised.  While entering the opponent’s ma-ai with seme-komu, if one sees cues, this is the time to strike instantaneously in one heart beat.

If you can learn how to use the left foot, the breadth of your kendo widens.  The technique of ayumi-ashi is equivalent to that for dance and traditional Japanese dance.  This is difficult.  With what I have written thus far, you may think that I have become very strong.  However, I have not really become that strong.  Conversely, I may have become weaker.  Nonetheless, I can continue to enjoy kendo.  Thus, I think this is good.


Well, I have written quite a lot.  Thank you for reading.  I am grateful.  If the opportunity arises, I think I may write again.



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